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 About Me

Juliet's avatar

The Girl:
Juliet, Julie, Jules. 27. 5'3". Proud Canadian and Toronto resident. University girl no longer, recent addition to the real world. Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius. Owner of 1 blog, 1 website, and 1 fanlisting, which is enough for now. Insane. Honest. Loyal. Caring. Occasionally witty. Dreamer. Realist. Dork. Oxymoron. Walking contradiction. Addicted to Buffy, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Our Lady Peace, Savage Garden, movies, various movie people, fanlistings, fanfiction, the Internet, and addictions.
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Blogger Profile
Blogger code: B9 d- t- k s+ u-- f- i o+ e- l+ c (decode)
Geek code: GB d-@ s: a-- C++ U? P L E? W++ N o? K- w+ O? M V? PS(++) !PE Y PGP- t !5 X+ !R tv+ b+ DI-- D+ G e>++(*) h! !r x? (decode)
Buffy geek code: OS++ FB= VAus DCa++ S+++ MU+++ N+ CS(B/A, Wi/O, Wi/T, X/Ay) US+ FF+ SP W+ II 2.22

i'm in ravenclaw!

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One of the most memorable short stories I've ever read, and hence, one of my favorites -- go here to read it.

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The Reading List

The Game Collection

-5232 days 'til DH1

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Buffy: Monsters
Canadian Capitals
Chemical Symbols
Children's Books
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings (Easy)
Movie Music
Pirates of the Caribbean
Places in Middle-earth
Princess Bride

Lord of the Rings #1
Lord of the Rings #2
Lord of the Rings #3
Phantom of the Opera
Pirates of the Caribbean
Sin City
Tori Amos
Veronica Mars


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<?Pirate's Life For Me#>
Straight But Not Narrow
< # HP Fan Logs ? >
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« ? Savvy # »


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Created by: Juliet
© 2002-present
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 Thursday, April 26, 2007

I hate television
...Well, not really. That would be fairly shocking.

What I do hate, however, is the current state of television and whatever the heck the networks (and by "networks", I mean "FOX, you lousy piece of crap...and also The CW, if you do what I think you might do") think they're doing.

Have you heard of a new show that just started, called Drive? No? Yeah, I'm not surprised. I KNEW about the show ages ago and *I* barely heard anything about it. After a lack of promotion, four aired episodes (two of which were aired on the same night), the show's been cancelled by FOX, the same lovely network that also failed to promote Firefly back in the day and proceeded to then air the [majority of the] episodes out of order and on sporadic evenings.

I hear the two remaining episodes of Drive will air sometime in the summer. Whoop-dee-freakin'-doo.

In other news, The Search for the Next [Pussycat] Doll has been renewed for a freakin' second season. Why and wherefore, I know not. "Why" and "wherefore" are redundant, but then so are the Pussycat Dolls, so I guess it's appropriate.

Why bother having well-scripted, well-acted, and creative shows that tell an interesting story when you can have low-budget shows that don't require you to pay actors, writers, or any of those other unimportant parties, AND get higher ratings?

(Note: The Pussycat Dolls show is currently airing on The CW while Veronica Mars is on hiatus. The CW is noting how many more people are watching the Dolls than watching Veronica, and that is not good. At all. Back in the day, when The WB was doing stupid, stupid things to their programming, there was this other network called the UPN that provided a dim beam of hope for certain shows. Seeing as how The CW is the new amalgamation of the two networks, there is no second hope. THIS IS IT.)

I have to go, um, study and stuff now. I am still outraged.

(More info: E! Online)

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 Sunday, April 22, 2007

Land Spring ho!
And all this day an unaccustom'd spirit
Lifts me above the ground with cheerful thoughts.

(Romeo and Juliet, V.i.4-5)

The weather is lovely outside, and the reappearance of those cobwebs in the exterior corners of my condo windows signifies that Spring is back. At least for the time being, at any rate. And sure, I'm inside here all day studying or at least pretending to study, if anything, but the lakeshore is nicely active with lots of Shiny Happy People holding hands enjoying the sun.

Happy Earth Day, people! Make sure you remember to turn off lights you don't need, unplug appliances and cellphone chargers that you aren't using, and generally be good to each other and to this odd place in which we all live. Also, compact fluorescent lightbulbs are awesome, and I think that was the most interesting thing I learnt from my Management Accounting class back in third year of university (indeed, I've been raving about CFLs since then, when the lightbulbs were part of the facts of the case we were assigned to work on ). I...doubt that was supposed to be the case, but there you have it. :)

Back to the grind now... unless I get distracted by staring outside/reading the last Snicket book/other miscellaneous distractions again.

(Also: new HP: Order of the Phoenix international trailer here!)

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 Thursday, April 12, 2007

(From LJ user elizalavelle)

--Go to
--Click on Maps.
--Click on "get Directions".
--From New York
--To London (Paris, Rome, Dublin, or Moscow)

--And read line # 23.

If you laugh, repost this.


 Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Stolen from Kyasuriin. (And I still dislike that word 'meme'. Bah.)


01. show – Buffy the Vampire Slayer
02. flower – whatever you give me
03. color - purple
04. sport – to play? Tennis. Not that there are that many options when it comes to sports I play.
05. mall – as long as it's got my friends in it and a decent bookstore, I'm good.
06. music – it depends on my mood
07. food – chocolate and pasta. But probably not together...
08. season – the Fall
09. day - Sunday
10. city – Toronto. Or Siena? No, no, Toronto.


01. hometown - Toronto, Ontario
02. hair color - black
03. hair length – I dunno. Long.
04. hair style – er...long? sorry, so tired right now. I should sleep.
05. eye color - brown
06. shoe size - 7
07. mood – thisclose to dozing off
08. smell – eh?
09. available – to talk about movies? sure.
10. lefty/righty - righty


01. have you ever been in love - no
02. do you believe in love – of course
03. why did your last relationship fail – what last relationship?
04. have you ever been heartbroken - no
05. have you ever broken someone's heart - no
06. have you ever fallen for your best friend - no
07. have you ever loved someone but never told them - no
08. are you afraid of commitment – I may or may not be as afraid of commitment to a person as I may or may not be to commit to this sentence. (a.k.a., I have no idea)
09. have you ever had a secret admirer – if I have, it's been a secret...
10. do you believe in love at first sight - possibly


01. love or money- love
02. hard liquor or beer - liquor
04. one night stands or relationships - I would assume relationship
05. television or internet – DON'T MAKE ME CHOOOOSE.
06. pepsi or coke – I don’t care
07. wild night out or romantic night in – I would assume romantic night in
08. colored or black and white pictures – Color, though B&W has its charm as well, of course
09. phone or in person - in person
10. msn or myspace - erm. msn. facebook anyone?


01. have you ever been caught sneaking out - no
03. have you ever done something you regret – who hasn’t?
04. have you ever bungee jumped? - no
05. have you ever been on a house boat - no
06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker - no
07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt - no
08. have you ever been streaking - no
09. have you ever run away – no, though I did have a so-called plan when I was younger in case I ever decided to.
10. have you ever caught your parents doing it - no. auuugh!


01. are you missing someone right now - yes
02. are you happy - sometimes. I do all right.
03. are you talking to any one right now - no
04. are you bored – I'm tired and wondering why I'm not in bed already. Actually, I'm not wondering, because I know I'm insane.
05. are you German – um, no? What does this have to do with emotions?
06. are you Irish – am I what now?
07. are you French – non, monsieur (ou mademoiselle)
08. are you Italian – no...though I do like to pretend like I know Italian words and stuff.
09. are your parents still married - yes
10. do you like someone right now – I like everybody. Heh.

I've got to get up in 5 hours, so...ciao for now (see what I mean about the Italian? ;)).

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 Sunday, April 01, 2007

Version 7.16
So...I didn't spend a lot of time on this header, mostly because I don't HAVE a lot of spare time, and partly because the colors in the original image looked pretty nice already anyway. :) Also, the font colors on my page right now happen to match the image just fine, so while it's a bit boring for all of YOU, it makes my life all the more easy. 'Cause you KNOW it's all about me, after all. ;)

So there! Now none of you'll be able to claim that I didn't change my header image for a whole year. 'Cause it's only been 11 months. HA!

Bye for now,
- J.

(See the original Deathly Hallows artwork here.)


Listed on BlogShares
 Version 9.18

Title: Allons-y!
Fandom/Subject: Doctor Who
Fonts used: Impact
Inspired by/text from: Doctor Who

Past layouts

 MP3 Request Line

Do I happen to have an mp3 of a song that you want? Check my list here and see if there's anything you need. Send me your e-mail address and state the song you want and I'll send the mp3 to you using, or SendSpace. :)

Music I need
There are the mp3s I'm looking for. If you have any of these and wouldn't mind sharing it with me, please use, or SendSpace to send it to me at verbatim119[at] Thanks much! :D

- none right now

 Current Conditions

Right now, I am:
feeling: Juliet's current imood
reading: n/a. Last completed: City of Glass.
working on: keeping optimistic
listening to: LAUNCHcast Radio

Last week's top artists juliet_a's Weekly Artists Chart
( More? )

loving: stories
not liking: uncertainty
- Shutter Island
- Alice in Wonderland
- Deathly Hallows
( view complete list with dates )

Uppers and downers:
Ý new friends
Ý fiction

ßß the unknown
ßß lethargy

Most recent purchase(s):
eBay gift for a friend

Lesson #65: When you are running late or you are low on time, you will always be driving behind the slowest car possible.

Last download: Vampire Weekend albums

Last movie seen at a theater:
The Princess Bride

Last movie seen on video/other:

Quote of the moment:
"We were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at the age of 26…we were of that disposition." — High Fidelity

Lyrics of the moment:
I miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Oh God I miss that show

Misspelling/factual/grammatical error of the moment:
"Visitors Parking"

Pages left in my journal: 118
To Do list: here

Current desktop and Winamp skin (click to expand):

moon phases

Online? Online Status


My sites:
Colorblind Fanlisting

Friends' blogs:
Mihi scribendum est // Antheia
Kitty's Korner // Chloe
le Kat // Kyasuriin
An Idea's Bulletproof // Elizabeth
Ego Verum // Gr8Gonzo

Occupation: Girl
Television Without Pity
Celebrity Baby Blog
Go Fug Yourself

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