Stolen from
Kyasuriin. (And I still dislike that word 'meme'. Bah.)
01. show – Buffy the Vampire Slayer
02. flower – whatever you give me
03. color - purple
04. sport – to play? Tennis. Not that there are that many options when it comes to sports I play.
05. mall – as long as it's got my friends in it and a decent bookstore, I'm good.
06. music – it depends on my mood
07. food – chocolate and pasta. But probably not together...
08. season – the Fall
09. day - Sunday
10. city – Toronto. Or Siena? No, no, Toronto.
01. hometown - Toronto, Ontario
02. hair color - black
03. hair length – I dunno. Long.
04. hair style – er...long? sorry, so tired right now. I should sleep.
05. eye color - brown
06. shoe size - 7
07. mood – thisclose to dozing off
08. smell – eh?
09. available – to talk about movies? sure.
10. lefty/righty - righty
01. have you ever been in love - no
02. do you believe in love – of course
03. why did your last relationship fail – what last relationship?
04. have you ever been heartbroken - no
05. have you ever broken someone's heart - no
06. have you ever fallen for your best friend - no
07. have you ever loved someone but never told them - no
08. are you afraid of commitment – I may or may not be as afraid of commitment to a person as I may or may not be to commit to this sentence. (a.k.a., I have no idea)
09. have you ever had a secret admirer – if I have, it's been a secret...
10. do you believe in love at first sight - possibly
01. love or money- love
02. hard liquor or beer - liquor
04. one night stands or relationships - I would assume relationship
05. television or internet – DON'T MAKE ME CHOOOOSE.
06. pepsi or coke – I don’t care
07. wild night out or romantic night in – I would assume romantic night in
08. colored or black and white pictures – Color, though B&W has its charm as well, of course
09. phone or in person - in person
10. msn or myspace - erm. msn. facebook anyone?
01. have you ever been caught sneaking out - no
03. have you ever done something you regret – who hasn’t?
04. have you ever bungee jumped? - no
05. have you ever been on a house boat - no
06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker - no
07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt - no
08. have you ever been streaking - no
09. have you ever run away – no, though I did have a so-called plan when I was younger in case I ever decided to.
10. have you ever caught your parents doing it - no. auuugh!
01. are you missing someone right now - yes
02. are you happy - sometimes. I do all right.
03. are you talking to any one right now - no
04. are you bored – I'm tired and wondering why I'm not in bed already. Actually, I'm not wondering, because I know I'm insane.
05. are you German – um, no? What does this have to do with emotions?
06. are you Irish – am I what now?
07. are you French – non, monsieur (ou mademoiselle)
08. are you Italian – no...though I do like to pretend like I know Italian words and stuff.
09. are your parents still married - yes
10. do you like someone right now – I like everybody. Heh.
I've got to get up in 5 hours, so...ciao for now (see what I mean about the Italian? ;)).
Labels: general, meme, personality, survey